Reflections - Monday Morning Artist
July 17 through Auust 16, 2015 at YSAC
Stop by the YS Library for a view of our 'process of creation' during the month of June in the entry window.
July 17 - August 16, Monday Morning Artists will host an opening of our exhibit
Reflections at the
Yellow Springs Art Council on Corry St. in Yellow Springs. Wine/Snacks/Meet the artists
Live music with Gabriel and Peter Day and Danny Grote...playing 6:30-8pm.
AND...Sign up for a class with one or more of the Artists! See below...
We work in many mediums - fabric, embroidery, clay, colored pencil, watercolor, pastel, ink, glass, and... so you can expect a wonderful variety of artistry.
The gallery is open Wednesday through Sundays, 1-4pm. We will host the gallery on Saturdays. Many of us will teach a mini-workshop at 2pm during our stay.... see below.
Classes Max 10 people per class - They will start at 2pm and run about an hour or so. They are $12pp (except the children's class which is $2 pp donation). Materials are provided. If you want to bring your own materials, please do. The classes are held in the workspace at the Arts Council, down the stairs to the right. The children's class will be held in the gallery.
Sign up at YSAC at the gallery during the opening or with the individual artists!
July 18 -
Libby Rudolf Paint People in Watercolor
Come learn some tips and tricks of watercolor painting - paint a small portrait to take home. Yes - you
can paint people! or 767-1068
Beach Scene - WC |
July 25 -
Sandy Kinnamon Watercolor Magic
Paint with Sandy and learn some of the methods she uses to achieve beauty in wc. You will take home a small painting. This is a fun class. 937-543-9990
August 1 - Mary Cargan Drawing What is Not There - The Importance of Negative Space.
The workshop includes activities to train our eyes to look for spaces around the object we are drawing. Negative space is defined as the empty space between distinct forms. As artists drawing these negative shapes correctly is as important as the positive forms. The workshop will be on Sunday, August 1, at the Yellow Springs Art Council Gallery beginning at 2:00 and will last one hour. All materials are provided. The cost of $12 includes copying, materials, and a donation to the Art Council. The class size is limited to 6 people. or 937-319-6191
August 8 -
Clara Rose Finger Knitting for Children ($2 donation)
Clara Rose will teach kids how to finger knit at a table in the gallery- come have fun with yarn and learn to make colorful pieces of art with yarn!
August 15 -
Misuk Goltz - "No Fear on Yupo". Max 10, $12 pp, bring your pallatte and brushes if you have them.
This workshop will give you a good understanding of painting on Yupo paper, a non porous synthetic paper. There are myths (fears) floating around about how hard or tricky Yupo painting is. However, there is a bright side to this medium as well. I will introduce some techniques that will ease your mind about Yupo and may help you to get involved with this unique way of painting. I will provide Yupo paper, some brushes and paints. Please bring your watercolor paints and palette if you have them.
Sign up. or 937-352-6711 or 937-470-9621
The gallery is open...1-4pm Last chance to see the show!